

pen break

Reception - Admissions September 2024

Children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 are due to start reception class at primary school in September 2024.

For information regarding how places are allocated at Grand Avenue, please see the section on Admissions - to Reception in the school prospectus.

The Kingston Council website publishes the details of the allocation of Kingston primary school places.

The admissions process for Reception for September 2024 has now closed. However, if you would like to make a late application for a Reception place for September 2024, please click here - Home | eAdmissions

Kingston School Admissions will then process your late application, and contact you via email to confirm the outcome of your application. It may take up to 10 working days to receive a response.

Please click here for a powerpoint presentation which gives a brief overview of Grand Avenue Primary.

Nursery - Admissions September 2024

For Nursery admissions for September 2024, we do still have both 15 hour and 30 hour places available.

To apply for a Nursery place for September 2024, please download a copy of the Nursery application form and return to the school office as soon as possible.

For further information on our Nursery, please click here


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