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Religious Education


At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School, we aim to help pupils develop a coherent understanding of several religions and encourage them to compare different traditions. We strive for all children to become, curious, deep-thinking learners who develop strong religious literacy in order to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religions, beliefs and the world around us. We aim to provide children with an appreciation of how the understanding of faiths and communities informs and influences their future.


We follow the Kingston Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) programme of study. Lessons are based around one of our key concepts:

  • Make sense of belief
  • Make connections
  • Understand the impact

These concepts, knowledge and skills are revisited throughout each year as the children progress through the school with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to both make connections to and build on their previous learning. In Key Stage 1, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are covered. In Key Stage 2, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism are covered. These areas of the curriculum at Grand Avenue follow the outline of the SACRE programme of study. To represent our community at Grand Avenue, we also cover Sikhism and Humanism in Key Stage 2. All year groups are encouraged to visit a place of worship linked to their learning

Outside agencies are invited to deliver assemblies about religious festivals and members of the local community share and talk to the children about their beliefs, traditions and celebrations through assemblies, cultural week and workshops.


Students will leave Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School equipped with a secure of understanding of different religions. They will be able to express and demonstrate empathy and sensitivity towards all people. They will have also developed skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation and reflection with key religious vocabulary.


Subject Overview