Relationship and Health Education
Our aim is for our pupils to be prepared for life in an ever changing and often challenging modern world and aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they will need to be active, respectful and engaged citizens of modern Britain. The curriculum for Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is broad, balanced and age appropriate to ensure that pupils leave Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves physically healthy, mentally healthy and safe.
At Grand Avenue, we follow the ‘3D PSHE’ scheme of work, which currently reflects the statutory guidance. There are 3 underlying core themes taught, within which there is a broad overlap and flexibility:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the Wider World
As well as being taught as discreet weekly lessons, many skills will be practised through cross-curricular learning and the interactions and values pupils come across in their day to day school life. ‘Zones of Regulation’ are used to support children in identifying and dealing with their emotions and their effect on others. Some elements of the RHE curriculum will overlap parts of other curriculum subjects, such as physical health in PE, e-safety in computing and nutritional health and sex education in Science.
The impact of our RHE curriculum is measured against the standardised descriptors laid out in the DfE’s ‘Statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education guidance’. These descriptors are used as benchmarks for progression. The impact of our RHE curriculum is also seen in the way pupils interact with others, the way in which can keep themselves mentally and physically healthy, the respect pupils have for other people and the way in which pupils can keep themselves and people around them safe. The impact of RHE is not just seen in academic progress within the subject, it is also seen in the way pupils become active, respectful and engaged citizens of modern Britain.
Subject Overview