Physical Education
At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School, physical education is an integral part of the school day. Our aim is to create a lifelong passion for being active with children understanding the positive impacts on their health, mental wellbeing and cognitive development. P.E contributes significantly to the promotion of positive attitudes, develops personal qualities such as self-confidence, leadership, initiative and self-control.
We aim to:
- Promote an understanding of the importance of physical health, an appreciation of the need for exercise and how correct nutrition can influence physical activities.
- Encourage the enjoyment of a physically active lifestyle over a sustained period of time.
- Develop competence and confidence in physical activity to promote self-esteem and to allow children to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- Enable pupils to work independently and as part of a team in varied activities, promoting communication and cooperative skills.
- Develop and maintain mobility, flexibility, stamina and strength.
- Enable pupils to understand and use safe practice.
- Develop the ability to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of movement, especially through dance.
- Develop a respect for others, their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
- Engage in competitive sporting activities and competitions.
Children receive at least 2 hours of high-quality P.E lessons. A week. To supplement the National Curriculum programme of study for physical education, Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery Schhol use Complete PE, which is endorsed by the Youth Sport Trust, to support and facilitate staff’s delivery of PE lessons. Complete P.E is scheme of work that uses high quality videos and resources to make the teaching of P.E progressive and challenging.
The following P.E. areas are covered:
- Games
- Dance
- Outdoor and adventure
- Gymnastics
- Swimming (except Foundation Stage)
- Athletics
We want our children to leave Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School physically literate and with an appreciation of the importance of staying healthy and all the associated mental health benefits that come with this. AfL(assessment for learning) is an integral part of teaching and planning in order to enable all children to make personal progress in PE. Class teachers formatively assess children, identifying next steps and providing feedback in the moment to enable progress in the lesson. This all feeds back and informs teachers’ end of year judgements.