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Design and Technology




At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School, our vision is to give children a design and technology curriculum, which develops creativity and imagination, in designing and making products. We aim to support pupils in considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values through fun and practical design and technology lessons and to develop their critical thinking through effective evaluation. We believe all children should be given the opportunity to develop their problem solving, creative and engineering skills through high-quality, cross-curricular teaching and learning. We want all children to leave At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School as resourceful, innovative and independent thinkers.


We ensure high standards of teaching and learning in design and technology and we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the school. The National Curriculum is set out in the Programme of Study which ensures children are able to make links to their previous learning therefore making the learning process purposeful. 

For each project, a learning journey is shared with the children and prior knowledge is regularly recapped and revisited. Through teacher modelling and questioning, we want our children at Grand Avenue to be confident in taking risks when designing and making their products, effectively evaluating their success and implementing changes to make improvement to their products.   

Key technical vocabulary is taught, modelled and recapped across projects and year groups to ensure pupils can use it confidently and appropriately. We are committed to providing exciting, hands on and practical experiences for all children. In turn this will help promote our vision of ‘Enjoying Learning - Exceeding Expectations’.


Our pupils will leave Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School being able to:

 Select and use appropriate tools safely and effectively

  • Demonstrate resilience in trialling and improving designs and products following evaluations
  • Question and reflect on their design and make processes.
  • Retain knowledge that can be applied to real life contexts.
  • Articulate their thought processes and evaluations using relevant technical vocabulary.
  • Work collaboratively and practically to innovate and evaluate.

Subject Overview

Year Group

Aut 1

Aut 2

Spr 1

Spr 2

Sum 1

Sum 2


Make, cook and textiles activities throughout the year.


Make – Instruments

Make – Fixing a roof

Cook – Fruit skewers, buttering bread and other basic skills

Year 1

Make – Christmas cards

Cook – Making pizzas

Make – Castles

Year 2

Make – Axels and wheels

Textiles – Cushions

Cook – Pasties

Year 3

Textiles – Soft toys

Make – Roman shields

Cook – Salad

Year 4

Cook – Viking broth

Make – Egyptian levers and pulleys

Make – Torches

Year 5

Make – Bug hotels

Make – Electrical board games

Cook – Honey cookies (Greek food)

Year 6

Textiles – Advent calendars

Cook – Mayan food

Make – Playgrounds