At Grand Avenue Primary School and Nursery, our computing curriculum is designed to empower children to become safe, skilled and independent users of communication technologies, internet services and programming. Tailored to meet the unique needs of our students and the local community, our curriculum upholds high standards for progression and achievement. We incorporate a range of tools and educational programs to ensure that students are consistently challenged and that learning outcomes remain relevant in our rapidly evolving digital world.
At Grand Avenue, we implement computing through the National Curriculum Programme of Study and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our long-term and medium-term planning is guided by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and our own Computing Progression of Skills Document, ensuring comprehensive coverage and progression towards the attainment expectations for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 outlined in the Computing Programme of Study. Key skills in information technology are developed through the Multimedia and Handling Data strands, which are integrated into learning across other subject areas.
The key features of computing lessons are as follows:
- Teachers modelling key vocabulary
- Use of a wide variety of technology and software
- Creating algorithms, problem solving and debugging skills
- Safe internet use
By the end of Year 6, we aspire for a Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School student to be computer literate and have developed a robust set of efficient and accurate computing skills that can be applied effectively across various contexts. These skills will be grounded in a deep understanding of concepts, allowing students to critically assess their work and become creative when finding new solutions in an ever-changing world around them. Students will be able to apply their knowledge in computing and related areas to become confident and resilient problem-solvers, capable of reasoning and articulating their ideas clearly. They will have acquired the vocabulary needed to justify, reason and explain their thought processes and the conclusions they reach in their computing tasks.