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Year 6

Year 6 is the final year at primary school. We want to make Year 6 as memorable as possible for our children and make sure they are prepared for the move to secondary school and life beyond. We aim to build children’s self-reflection skills and expect them to take more responsibility for their own learning.

In addition, we will be preparing for national tests (SATs) in May. We will expect the oldest pupils in the school to exhibit exemplary behaviour at all times, to adopt a positive, active approach to their own learning and to work very hard with the teaching staff to raise their achievement by the end of KS2. We do, however, have lots of fun along the way - it's not all about SATs!

During Year 6 children are also given the opportunity to take on a Champion Role for the school. These range from House team Captains to reading buddies and STEM champions.

The Team

Year Group Leader and 6C class teacher: Miss Clift

6D class teacher: Mr Carter

6SM class teacher: Miss Steele (Mon - Wed) Mrs Mitchell (Wed - Frid)

Year Six teaching assistants: Miss Shepherd, Mrs Down, Mrs Pocock and Mrs Gibbons.

Trips and Visitors

Year 6 trips

This year we will embark on trips or engage with workshops that link with our topics of learning. These include:


- Poppies and Poetry drama workshop which links to our WW1 topic. This workshop is around £6. 

- A trip to the Army Museum in London to support our WW2 learning, which includes a workshop on The Blitz. This trip costs around £13.50.  



- To support our learning of the Mayan civilisation, we will take part in a virtual reality workshop at the end of January. This workshop is approx. £3. 

- In February we attend the Kingston Young Citizen event, hosted at Chessington World of Adventures and run by RBK. This costs around £7. 

- In March the children go to Windmill Hill for a week for their PGL visit. The cost is around £330.    


- Each year group has the opportunity to visit one of the parks that has inspired our school team names. Yr6 children visit Wisley once SATs have finished. This trip costs around £10. 

- At the end of May we run Victorian Day in Yr6. The children are asked to dress up but there is no additional cost for this event. 

- Each year we try and take the children to see a West End show after school. Depending on what we see, this costs between £30-£40. 

- The children will take part in Sports Day at Kingsmeadow with the rest of KS2 at the end of May.

- In June, to support our learning in Religious Education, we catch the train to Wimbledon to visit the Shree Ghanapathy Temple Trip. This costs £2.50. 

- Coinciding with our mapwork in Geography, the children will visit Kingston town centre. This trip has no cost.

PE and Swimming

Year 6 swim during Autumn 1 and the whole of the Summer term.

- PE days for 6D

- PE days for 6C

- PE days for 6SM


Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every day.

Sharing our learning

At the end of each year in July we put on a Year 6 Production that the parents will be able to come and watch. The children work very hard on this and we are really lucky to be able to provide them with sound and light equipment!

How parents can support 

How parents can support at home:

- Help your child learn their times tables

- Set boundaries around phone use

- Supporting school with maintaining respectful behaviour and behaviour for learning

- Reading with and to your child  

- Setting spelling and homework routines. Please click here for the Year 5 and 6 Spelling list.

- Supporting organisational skills and responsibility e.g. having their swimming kit ready 


Parent volunteers:

If there are any parents or grandparents who would like to volunteer to read weekly with the Year 6, please can you let your class teacher know. We would love to have some volunteers!

There will also be opportunities for parents and carers to support on school trips and during special events in school such as DT week.

Mobile phones in school

Children are not allowed to be on their phone whilst on the school site. They will be asked to hand them in to their class teacher each morning when they arrive and they will be returned to them at home time.

Next destination schools

Children from Grand Avenue go to over 13 different secondary schools across Kingston, Richmond and Sutton. This year our children have gained places at the following schools:

  • Coombe Girls’
  • Coombe Boys’
  • Tolworth Girls’ School
  • Hollyfield School
  • Southborough
  • Chessington School
  • Teddington School
  • Tiffin Boys’ and Tiffin Girls’
  • Wilson’s School
  • Nonsuch High School
  • The Holy Cross School
  • Richard Challoner School