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Year 5

The move to Year 5 is an exciting time for children, as they look forward to new experiences and challenges. One of the highlights is transitioning to the annex building, which feels like a special new place to explore. They love the sense of independence it brings, and the change in environment often sparks a renewed enthusiasm for learning and growing alongside their peers. This new space makes Year 5 feel like a big step-up, filled with opportunities and adventures.

The Team

The Year Five team comprises of Mrs Jawad (5J and Year Group Lead), Mrs Somaroo (5L), Mr Sharp (5S) and Mrs McGarry (5J Friday teacher). The classes are also supported by Mrs Gilmore, Miss Farley, Mrs Pintor and Miss Jackie.

Mrs Jawad is the Year Group Lead and also Assessment Lead for the school. She enjoys making her lessons creative and practical. Outside of teaching, Mrs Jawad enjoys travelling and baking.

Mr Sharp has been teaching across KS2 in Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School for seven years. He leads Computing but his real passion lies in keeping fit. You will find him at the gym or running in a local park.

Mrs Somaroo has been teaching across the school for six years. She leads Geography but outside of teaching she enjoys baking, gardening, exploring new places and spending time with her kitten.

Mrs McGarry has worked at the school for 6 years. In her spare time she enjoys travelling, cooking and spending time with her family.

Trips and Visitors

This year, the children will take part in trips and workshops which are linked to the topics we explore in class, enhancing their understanding and making learning even more engaging.


  • Science Museum Year 5 will be visiting the Science Museum to learn more about our science topic ‘Earth and Space’. Your child will have the opportunity to explore the museum and experience life on the International Space Station as they journey into orbit around our home planet via an educational IMAX film. The approximate cost of this trip is £21.50 per child.


  • Hampton Court Palace The children will be visiting Hampton Court Palace to increase their knowledge and understanding of Tudor life. They will explore the Tudor court and take part in a workshop. The approximate cost of this trip is £10 per child.
  • Virtual Reality workshop The aim of this workshop is to provide virtual reality experiences to enhance the curriculum and extend learning. This workshop will complement and support our learning in class as well as giving your child the opportunity to ‘experience’ virtual reality.  The approximate cost of this workshop is £4 per child.
  • Shakespeare Workshop This workshop introduces the children to a Shakespeare play through interactive storytelling, followed by engaging activities in class to deepen their understanding. This workshop is free of charge.


  • Kew Gardens Each year group has the opportunity to visit one of the parks which has inspired our team names. The visit will be to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, home to the largest collection of living plants. The approximate cost of this trip is £20 per child.
  • Sports Day The children will take part in Sports Day at Kingsmeadow this term. The children will be practising the races in their PE lessons so this is a chance for them to showcase their skills and cheer on their teammates! This event has no cost but children will need to be dropped to Kingsmeadow.

PE and swimming

Swimming (Autumn 2 and Spring Term)/ Indoor PE:

5J and 5L – Monday

5S – Thursday


Outdoor PE:

5S – Wednesday

5J and 5L – Thursday

Sharing our learning

In the Spring term, Year 5 children, along with Year 4, will participate in a Spring concert showcasing their musical talents and collaborative performances.  Parents/ carers will be warmly invited to attend and enjoy celebrating the children’s hard work and creativity.

How parents can support

In Year Five, children are expected to read at least three times a week. Parents/carers or your child can write a comment in their reading record. Reading records should be signed weekly by an adult.  These will be checked every Thursday.

Home Learning will be on Google Classroom and is set on Thursdays and is due the following Tuesday. Your child will be expected to complete spellings, punctuation and grammar and Mathletics. This year, children will be encouraged to utilise Times Tables Rock Stars therefore it would be greatly appreciated if you support your child to access this resource. Please click here for the Year 5 and 6 Spelling list.

Furthermore, a simple way to support your child is to make sure they have a pencil case with a pencil, colouring pencils, a ruler and a glue stick. This will ensure they can complete their learning more efficiently. 

We will also be having a DT Day in the Autumn term where we will be in need of parent helpers and we are also always looking for additional adults to come into school to read with the children.

Ideas to help your child at home:


  • Encourage your child to keep a diary of their weekend in their best, joined handwriting.
  • Play ‘Punctuation Detective’: on a trip to the shops, how many incorrect uses of capital letters, full stops and apostrophes can you spot together?
  • Encourage your child to complete their favourite activity from the Spelling Home Learning Challenge sheet to practise words that you commonly misspell in your work
  • Suggest your child rewrites a paragraph from the book they’re reading using different sentence structures.
  • Make a list of the items you need before you go shopping together. Use commas to separate the items in the list and a colon to introduce the list.
  • Ask your child to write a book review for a book they would recommend to the class.
  • Ask your child to read sentences from their reading book out loud. Experiment with more precise vocabulary together. What effect does it have on the reader?

Useful websites:

Parent ‘Help at Home’:

The following link explains grammar terms with examples; these may be helpful when supporting your children with Home Learning, revision or consolidating topics we have covered in class. The children will need to login in with their school username and password.



  • Time your child answering multiplication calculations. Can you beat they beat their time?
  • Ask your child to choose a times table, turn over a pack of cards and ask them to multiply each card they turn over by the times table they have chosen to practise.
  • Ask your child to teach you short division!
  • Use rounding to estimate the cost of the shopping together.
  • Generate two 4 digit numbers. Ask your child to practise adding and subtracting them.
  • Ask your child to write a word problem for you to solve.
  • Together, use a thermometer to measure the temperature outside. How much does the temperature increase/decrease each day?
  • Write a 7 digit number for your child and ask them to practise reading it out loud.

Useful websites:

Parent ‘Help at Home’:

The following link explains mathematical terms with examples; these may be helpful when supporting your children with Home Learning, revision or consolidating topics we have covered in class. In addition, there are mathematical tasks which can be downloaded as a pdf for your child to complete at home. The children will need to login in with their school username and password.