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Nursery Admissions

Nursery - Admissions September 2024 and January 2025

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Applying for a place

For Nursery admissions for September 2024, we do still have both 15 hour and 30 hour places available. The Nursery offers two intakes per year, one in September and, if there are spaces available, a second in January, if your child is three years old by the end of previous December.

If you are interested in applying for a nursery place and would like to come in for a tour, please contact the school office. 

To apply for a Nursery place from September 2025, please download a copy of the Nursery application form and return to the school office as soon as possible.

For further information on our Nursery, please click here

Allocation of a place

Firm offers of a Nursery place will be made at the beginning of May each year. Parents/carers need to respond to the school either accepting or refusing the place offered. If a child is not offered a place then they can be placed on our waiting list. The order in which children are placed on the list is determined by the admissions criteria as set out in the Local Authority Nursery Education admission arrangements.

What happens next?

Once a place has been offered and accepted, parents/carers are invited to a meeting during the summer term, prior to starting nursery in September. At this meeting, information is given regarding routines, curriculum and how parents/carers can help at home. There is also an opportunity to meet the staff and ask any questions. Before your child starts nursery, a home visit will be offered. Staff will visit the family at home, at a pre–arranged time. This gives your child the opportunity to start to build a positive relationship with the new adults in their life and a chance for parents/carers to ask any questions they may have. We also offer stay and play sessions before term starts. Entry dates and times are sent by the end of the summer term.