
information centre - inclusion - SEND

Please click here to view Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School's SEND Policy, Information Report, and contact details.

Please see Kingston's (AfC) local offer on their website for further information about what you can expect in terms of support for SEND pupils:

This leaflet contains links to some examples of information that you can find on the SEND Local Offer website for Kingston and Richmond.

Information Poster and Leaflets about Kingston's local Offer for families.


Special Educational Needs and Disability Register

All local authorities must have a record or register of children with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND) in their area. If you live in either Kingston or Richmond, we encourage anyone whose family includes a child or young person whose has a special educational need or disability to register.

Everyone on the register will benefit from:

  • - Information about support, services, activities and events
  • - Information aimed at young people with disabilities
  • - Opportunities to have your say about the services that are important to you
  • - The knowledge that your anonymous statistical data is helping us to plan and improve services

Find out more and register on the SEND Local Offer website


Inclusion Charter

All schools are committed to making sure every child or young person receives high quality first inclusive provision which meets their needs, gives appropriate support and helps them to achieve. Please click here to read AfC Inclusion Charter which Grand Avenue primary and Nursery School supports.


Kingston Parent Carer Forum

Kingston PCF is made up of local parents and carers who work to ensure children with special educational needs and disabilities and their needs are heard and understood by local services and decision makers. Part of a national network we try to ensure by feeding in the experiences and needs of Kingston parents and carers who have children with additional needs and disabilities, better, more relevant and responsive services will follow. As local SEND parents ourselves we bring a wealth of different experiences of helping our own children and young people through life.


Phone: 07930 212743




SEND parent and carer engagement officers ensure that parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are fully engaged with the services provided by Achieving for Children. More information can be found here


SEND Parent Champions are a group of local parent and carer volunteers (working alongside Achieving for Children) who are supported to inform other families with a child or young person with special educational needs or a disability about useful services in their area. The initiative is part of a national scheme that helps thousands of families and provides full training. We have lovely SEND parent champions who have recently joined the scheme and are parents at Grand Avenue. They are able to: be a point of contact for other SEND parents; liaise with yourself and the school; help with signposting to local services; give information to SEND parents in the form of leaflets and website links giving; raises parents’ awareness of SEND services in the area; brings SEND families together in community settings; allows SEND families to be involved in the development of local services; work to support minority groups and their engagement with local services; plus more!!

Click here for more information about the SEND Parent Champions at Grand Avenue.

If you would like a parent champion to contact you please fill out this google form.

Contact Email:



SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS)

The Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) in Kingston and Richmond offers advice and support across a wide range of subjects. This may include help with personal budgets and how to use the Local Offer plus:

  • - support with understanding reports and letters, attending meetings and preparing for assessments and reviews
  • - information and signposting to support services in your area
  • - support with Transition and Preparing for Adulthood
  • - support with and signposting to mediation
  • - advice and support on benefits

These services offer advice to children and young people as well as parents and carers.


Phone: 0808 164 5527





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